What is the error? Help plz

When im install in vivo device then show this error how to solve this? Many device not show this error

Than means that the length number exceeds the length of the string. For example string’s lenght is 3 and I ask to start at 1 and get 4 characters. Impossible
Check your blocks


Yes, as per your block it must have minimum 4 strings from the starting but unfortunately it does not and short of 1 string it seems…

Im not using this block, can you help me what’s problem in my block?

Are you sure ? Only this block generates this error according to my knowledge

Sorry i will find out can you check my block?

Error comes from your procedure


How to solve can you tell me please

Help me please

What do you want to achieve convert bytes to Mb ?

My app is pdf downloader and i will show the download list in my app and view to user how much MB Are user they download

Instead of segment text use math block


Ok i will check it wait!

If you saying this?

No, I mean this

Working fine but showing 1MB ,but many pdf size is 1.2 MB there all showing 1 MB why?

Help me plzz

In the places just replace the zero with 1 or 2

Then change decimal from 0 to 1

Plzz give me block please