What is wrong with my project?

it closes when opening another screen, what code right? to open (I’m nob)


Maybe it’s because of the mathematics


Try to compare with a comparison of text


I think @Point is right about the mistake.
But I think that this module fits better:

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Use this method to switch between screens:

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Even this method isn’t perfect and after few switches app may crash.
App Inventor clones can’t handle more than 1 screen well.
My suggestion - use only one screen.

It should be fine

Thank you now it works well. https://appetize.io/app/g32rztbk8vg5nw657fwdx1reec

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Wrong. They handle fine, if the screens aren’t that heavy.


so i suppose my ‘Screen1’ was “heavy”:slight_smile:
Screen 1 is the whole application (about 1500 blocks)
Screen 2 is just “guide” for user how to use the app. Showing jpg full screen.
When i chose Taifun solution for switching screens (presented in this thread) - user clicks a button to show screen 2 with nice build-in effect of switching the screens. Then in screen 2 user clicks this jpg to close screen 2 and go back to Screen 1. It works fine. About 6-7 times on 3GB device. Then it restarts the app (with no errors).
My solution: i’m using only screen 1 with procedures to hide all buttons, layouts etc., another procedure to show my “guide” jpg with nice effect (another procedure).
No errors/restarting the app since then.

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