What service is the Kodular community made of?

Good! After a long time I am here. I am trying to create a community for my product and noticed that there are many communities and forums just like Kodular. That’s why I wanted to know if they use any open source service or what they use specifically. Best regards

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It’s a discourse forum…



Wow, so expensive.
I don’t think it is worth to pay that much since there are others free forums available, and pay the host would not be half the price charged by Discourse.

Taken from here Discourse pricing | Discourse - Civilized Discussion

What if none of these plans fit my budget?

Good news! Discourse is, and will always be, 100% free and open source software. You may also want to self-host for reasons other than budget, including privacy or full control over the free software that you’ve installed. Here’s how you can install it yourself on your own server.



Discourse :discourse: hosted by CDCK (Civilized Discourse Construction Kit, Inc.) is somewhat expensive, yes.
Although they also offer hosting for verified Open Source projects :smiley:.

There are also other alternatives such as Communiteq, although it works quite well, personally I do not recommend it since the cheapest plans use Discourse Stable (officially, test-passed is recommended)

Also, as @Taifun mentioned, Discourse is and always will be open source :heart:, and over the years installing it has become oversimplified.

Currently I am dedicated to services related to this software, my Discord is open to inquiries

Discourse is free, you pay for their services and support actually.

Yes, I meant the hosting. About support, I don’t think it is of big importance in this case. But I don’t have a forum so I can’t say for sure…

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