When will Native ads arrive?

Hello there
I want to put native ads into practice, and Abhijith_Dominic has made an extension for startapp, but it’s unavailable (really nice). Does the code do new updates for admob or startapp? or Abhijith_Dominic make his extension available?

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Ad Extensions are not allowed so your apk will not build.


Yes, I know, but will native ads be added to the code?

What do you want exactly? I didn’t understand anything from this Google Translated text. It would be nice to write your question in your main language (in this case; Turkish) too along with English.

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Hemen şöyle izah edeyim Abhijith_Dominic yaptığı yerel startapp reklamları eklentisi kodularda çalışmıyor bu sebeple yakın bir zamanda kodular kendi yerel reklam birimi ekleyecek mi, yoksa kodular da olmayan reklam birimlerinin eklentilerini açma şansı var mı?
(yardımlarınız için teşekkür ederim)

The official language of the forum is English. Translate your text please.

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So he already did here

But then

@byberkay2004 Wants to know, Why kodular team does not add Native ad in Kodular.

It is a Turkish translation of his first post. Since he was using translator to ask his question in English and I didn’t understand it (Google Translate is translating bad for Turkish -> English) I wanted him to write in Turkish too so I can translate it exactly for other community members.

His question was:

Turkish reply:
Kodular, geçenlerde reklam eklentilerini yasakladı. Bu yüzden Kodular’ın mevcut reklam bileşenlerini kullanmayı seçebilirsin ya da Enhance adlı bir hizmet kullanarak onlarca farklı reklam SDK’larını uygulamaya enjekte edebilirsin.

English reply:
Kodular banned ad extensions recently. So you can select to use Kodular’s current ad components or you can use a service called Enhance which allows to inject different ad SDKs to your app.