Where are the audios downloaded?

I have this method that gets the audio source from my Soundcloud feed, but I wanted to know where those audios are stored.

Because I do not want the audios being downloaded all the time. So if I place those audios, either in the companion version or the compiled version of the project, I can use an extension that will allow me to verify the audio or the audios have already been downloaded on the device and run them locally instead of being consuming data or internet every time I start the window.

I believe the streaming files are stored as cache having to be implemented to be erased from time to time. However, if you have set an option to download the file, you can use this block from the File Component to check whether the file exists in the app folder or not.


In this example AIA I did exactly this procedure to check if the song has to be downloaded:


Wow Thank you!.

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