With Android 11 Google has screwed up the file system bigly.
Each app used to have its own Application Specific Directory (ASD) that was in globally read/write memory. You could freely backup, restore, edit that file as needed using FTP or a different app – no more. I found a File Manager that allows me to access the ASD. That’s half a victory.
In Kodular how do you write to the ASD directory. On my phone it is something like storage/emulated/0/Android/data/pack.age.name/files
For example, for an sqlite database, if I use //name.sqlite, Kodular looks for it in Assets packaged with the apk file. If I use just name.sqlite Kodular, I think, puts it in the app’ s private directory which is who-knows-where and hidden. Is there a way to specify the ASD directory that I show above?