Where should I store the icons used inside my app?

How about trying it out for yourself?

I tried it. When I click on the ‘Download’ button, it asks for permission to access files on the device. However, when I click on the ‘Download’ button again after giving the permission, the file doesn’t get downloaded. I even tried to close the app after giving permission and restarting again, but it doesn’t work.
Test_IconsDownload.aia (97.4 KB)
Test_IconsDownload.apk (5.3 MB)

i tried this block and got file in my app without asking any permission


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This has to be a relative path:

Note: Extensions from DH are hardly explained in most cases and there is no response to inquiries. So these should be treated with caution.

We don’t allow questions about extensions from Deephost since he doesn’t support them.


It still doesn’t work. :pensive:
Although I won’t be able to show the live download progress to the user, I’ll go with this method:

Thanks @bodymindpower and everyone else for helping me.
Have a good day!

I tried with this, but the progress bar is appears and disappears in a lightning speed

Hmm, I see…Maybe it happens because the download is super quick for this small sized file.

May be that one reason also you cont get progress level in this method, so i prefer you to use circular progress bar. It will be convenient. In this method there is no progress or start. Only click and on finished only is there. so it is hard to get the progress level just like 05…10%…90%… like

I agree.
Thanks for the suggestion! :smiley:

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