Why can't users upload images for other users to see?

This is my first time making an app and I’m having some difficulties and I can’t find any topics related to this problem. I want to create an app where users can upload images with captions and each image is placed in a category depending on the caption so if the caption says Nike (for example) all of the images with that caption will be put in that category of Nike.
On my app, I added permissions such as ReadExternalStorage, WriteExternalStorage, Camera and ReadMediaImages but it’s showing Error 908 and I’m not sure how to fix this…
I really appreciate any help I can get, I chose to do this for my school project (due December 6) and I want to present Kodular and how it works as well in my creation of my app so thank you so much for all of your help in advance and have a wonderful day!

Thank you! How does this work though…? I’m sorry, I really appreciate your help though, especially so quickly!

It would really help if you provided a screenshot your relevant blocks, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.

To get an image of your blocks, right click in the Blocks Editor and select “Download Blocks as Image”. You might want to use an image editor to crop etc. if required. Then post it here in the community.

Are you using an image picker component? If yes, follow the workaround in the mentioned thread


I tried using the Camera feature but it wasn’t working so I tried switching to image picker but that isn’t working either. (I added some screenshots too) This is what I have so far:

This says new users can only add 2 images so let me know if you see these screenshots, I see links but I hope it works!
Thank you so so much for your help, it really means a lot to me

Yes, both components have a bug since a few years…
See also the bug list here Kodular Bugs Tracker
Read the corresponding thread to find workarounds for both components


For years? Why so long? Is there another way to have it work? I looked at what you sent but I’m not sure how to fix my problem. I looked at

and at what other people were saying but what are other ways of working around the problem?

Thank you so much!!
(By the way, do you know how long it might take for it to be fixed…?)

How do I use this extension? I added it to my app but what do I do from there and how is it used?

ReadMediaPermissions.aix (4.3 KB)

You only have to drag it into the working area, that’s all


And how will it work? What code do I add?

This is explained in that threat in the Nio tron community… because of some stupid community rules unfortunately amI can’t provide a direct link


AML can’t provide a direct link because of some rules? Why not? If it’s beneficial… so what can I do instead? I want my users to be able to take pictures or upload pictures from their phones into the app and put a caption, depending on the caption it will be put in a certain category, from there, other users can see what that one posted. So everyone sees each others, do you know what I mean?
I need to make my app before Saturday and I was doing decently good until some things weren’t working (Camera, ImagePicker, etc.)
What do you recommend I do? How can I receive help and guidance through every step?

App Inventor Tutorials and Examples: Dropbox | Pura Vida Apps
METRIC RAT AI2 - UpLOAD Any File To Google Drive with AI2

Let me suggest you to ask for an extension to have more time…


I looked into what you sent and I created a copy of my app and tried this instead:

When I test the app though, it’s not giving me the option to choose to Authorize or Deny the permissions, it’s just automatically saying it’s denied (which I coded for it to say when the permissions are denied by the user).

I also took your advice and asked for an extension,

Thank you so so so much, you don’t know how much this actually means to me that you’re taking the time to help me! I really appreciate it!

By the way, I’m testing my app on my phone (Galaxy A03s)
I don’t know if that makes a difference…

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Because you do it incorrectly, what about doing it as described un that Nio tron thread?

@terry_wallace your answer is a typical ChatGPT BS answer and does not help at all, I flagged it as Spam
