Image Picker: Error 908: permission READ_MEDIA_IMAGES has been denied

Note to everyone:
Please don’t send me PMs. I cannot and will not answer.

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What did you test and what is not working?

Hi… I tried these blocks and it doesn’t work in the companion.
I’m trying to generate the apk to see if it works.

Is correct?

As I already explained:

So again: The new storage permissions must (also) be declared in the Companion app (but they are not). So it makes no sense to test with Companion, especially not when it comes to permissions.

@bodymindpower it would be great, if you could provide a screenshot of your workaround and the aia file of your example app


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Anke, I want to thank you very very very much.
You were spectacular!

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Thank you, and you chose the correct tense (namely the past). My best days are slowly fading away - like those of all of us. But who knows: “THE BEST IS YET TO COME.”


Help me, how to use Activity Starter pick image then upload to cloudinary? after uploaded, i want cloudinary link to spreadsheet. This is my block picture :

Can someone help me to fix this. Thank you.


I just test it before the build system is acting weird.
and the read media permission on Android 13 is not yet implemented.

Then you didn’t use my extension (correctly).
You have to drag it onto the screen.

Yes. This Implementation of Read Media in Android 13 is needed.

I use the Built-in one but not work yet. HAHAHAHA
also, I limit my extension into 5 only. so I can’t use your plugin unless I will delete the unused one.

Now here’s the video:

from here I am stuck in the dialog after update.

thanks :100: so much

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Hmm, don’t understand what you’re trying to tell me.
Anyway, my extension works on all AI2 distros. I tested them on AI2, Niotron & Kodular.

wow! thank u! your extension can fix read media images and video on manifest! you’re da best!

yo can resolved it???

can you tell us how u do it ?

you need to import to Kodulat Creator
then put the extension into the cellphone mockup


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Error 908, uploading image to Cloudinary, android 13, sdk 33