Why coming this error when i m adding at least 4000 words in google sheet please help

your method is working for one cell

I will have a look at working with your 22Jan2021 sheet

if possible please give aia .i m not getting your point

OK, this is a bit of a hack/workaround, in order to retrieve your articles. Essentially it has to make several calls to the spreadsheet. firstly to fetch Column A only, then Column C only, then to fetch each cell in Column B, eventually combining them all back together to make one list! Please note that the cell ranges are hardcoded into the blocks.

The aia project, and the blocks below, are made in AppInventor2, so it may need some manual conversion to work in Kodular…


testgooglesheet (1).aia (4.6 KB)

else you can use script function

function doGet() {
  var content = getSheetData();
  var contentObject = {GoogleSheetData: content}
  return ContentService.createTextOutput(JSON.stringify(contentObject) ).setMimeType(ContentService.MimeType.JSON); 

function getSheetData()  { 
  var ss= SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var dataSheet = ss.getSheetByName('Sheet Name'); 
  var dataRange = dataSheet.getDataRange();
  var dataValues = dataRange.getValues();  
  return dataValues;
  1. Copy the above code,

  2. Paste into Script and delpoy like this

  3. Copy the script url

  4. use this url as web url
    and run

  5. your gsheet data splitted in json and inside the key value of GoogleSheetData)

  6. By using getKey value method extract the whole data and by using for each number block do the needs remaining

see the structure of every row

You can easily get items from each list

Script url for testing

I used a different approach by splitting the long articles in spreadsheet and then after combining them all back together…

testgooglesheet2.aia (18.6 KB)

I’m not sure how many character there should be per cell, but stick to about 10,000

You can have up to 50,000 characters in a google sheet cell, don’t think this is the issue, seems to be more about csv format & content.

I already know that however the csv format cant handle more then 10000

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This in AppInventor/Kodular yes ?

I have only tested this in Kodular but it should be the same even for AI2

What I mean is: it is not a Google thing e.g. ...export?format=csv, but a limitation in AI2 ?

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If possible, test this too

testgooglesheet_1.aia (39.6 KB)


testgooglesheet_1.aia (38.5 KB)

Same appproch with less block when comp

Have you test above said all aia? Was your prob solved?

i have tested its working well but script part did not understand
please help

You need to add just your sheet name…

If you have three sheets, and which sheet data you want just add and deploy then use it as url

Eg. 22jan2021

ok but i have category and subcategory when user click category then open subcategory
if i do your method then we will have to write script and change daily sheet nme

this would be lengthy for me

I didn’t get you… i have advised you based on your gsheet structure. If you design perfectly then it would be easy for us to give better one .

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