Why does my app not ask for permission?

my app not asking for permision and show this dialog please give me how blocks i make for asking permision

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im using webview extended webviewer how to download files in web viewer

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In order to be able to ask for permission, this must be declared in the Manifest:
uses-permission android: name = “android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE” /

If this is not the case yet, declare it in the Manifest or insert eg the File component as a dummy to add this automatically into the Manifest.


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Please do not hijack topics @biswojitkaran8. You can create a new topic for every new issue you have (but first please do search the community if there already is such a topic)

@Alapjeet next time, please do not continue the conversation in the wrong topic, and instead ask the user to create a new topic


Ok Sir. next time i will keep in mind all these rules.

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