Why Runtime Error: "can only use lower 16 bits for request code" in texting component?

It is a simple app with only a button and the Texting component.
I tried with the number and number plus the international prefix, no space, but it doesn’t work

I’m using the companion and the Firefox Browser.


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Next time please use :mag: This has been anwsered many times

Thanks Dora, I saw the previous questions but they didn’t solve the problem: or suggested using the Activity Starter or promoted extensions.
I’m a teacher, would you be kind enough to tell me a treat that explains this error in the original components of Kodular?
thank you

Unfortunately after Kodular’s latest release both texting and call component produce that error. The above extenion is actually a copy of MIT App Inventor component and works with no errors. Download extension, import it to your project and use it. For example try

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I try.

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The extension WORKS

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