You can't change the color, it's urgent

I can’t change color for a long time,
It’s urgent, what do we do?

please clarify what you exactly want to say?

sorry for my bad english

I want to change color for elements.

And there has been a bug for a long time that you cannot change the color of an element

can you send me screenshot

sometimes it happens try restarting project and check extensions you are using

This has been happening to me for almost a month straight.
I tried to refresh
And I have contacted them many times

as i know mostly it happens when extension have some problem or errors.

It’s not by extension

pm me here the topic is becoming long


It’s a known bug in Kodular creator. Search before creating a new topic. This has been already solved.

This happens for imported aia. Edit you aia before importing by removing project colors and import again.

i have the same problem , and i solve that by change color from block section , when you add initialize event add what you want to do like color change or any things

No need to add unnecessary blocks just for a minor bug which can be fixed by editing the AIA file. Solution is already provided in above post:

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