Your app was removed from Google Play

My Current Privacy Policy Link is Privacy Policy

From where can I generate such Privacy Policy.

Rgards Milind Padshah

privacy policy is good, link provided in app and play store?

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This Privacy Policy I have already provided in App and Play Store then also they have removed my App

Milind Padshah

Do you use OneSignal extension maybe?

then update policy with more details like you are not collecting user data and why this app needs permission , try to search firebase privacy policy on google and make a new privacy policy and update that to previous one

I have not used any extensions. I have used the Kodular’s in built component “Push Notification” to send OneSignal Notifications

Milind Padshah

Are you using: OneAudience SDK ?

Thank you everybody, The issue is resolved.

Milind Padshah


Then please tell the community how you solved the problem (exactly).


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Outdated Google Play Developer API Version

Kindly please tell us how you solved it, as I am also facing this issue.

You also have to add one audience privacy policy link in the privacy policy

I face same problem. My app is removed from Play store because of same reason. Please tell the solution. Thanks in advance.

You are using push notification so add about it on privacy and policy page.

In first release or in update your app removed.

Actually I had Created 2 Apps with same name, one in appsgeyser and other Kodular. The App which was removed was the App which was created in appsgeyser.

Please don’t spam Kodular community with questions about apps created in another builder especially when it’s so different.

I close this since it hadnothing to do with Kodular.

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