Youtube + Firebase DB

I want to make a live TV apps that takes videos from Youtube Live.

Then how to save Youtube ID to Firebase or another cloud DB?
So, if there are videos that are no longer live, I can change the video ID without having to update the apps first.


Are you going to change the video id every time there is a new video?

Thankyou for the response.

Nope. I just want to replace the video id with another video id if the video isn’t alive

I think if I change the video ID through firebase, users don’t need to update the application to the latest version if they want to get the latest data.

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Very easy…try to get value instant firebase

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But it would be very hard for you to change the video id every time there is a new video.

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Create tag and value.
And do get value of tag from forebase and in value there shoulf be youtube video id…

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Nice answer sir. I’ll try it. Thanks.