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I used same block as in listview 1 demo…m.getting list correctly but whn button click m.gettimg whole url from database…
It’s a very nice application. Great on schema selections.
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Hi all,
I am stuck in one problem.
I have two separate Horizontal Scroll Arrangements where I am creating dynamic cards for each one. like 5 cards for HSA-1 and 5 for HSA-2
Both the arrangement are loading simultaneously with different sets of data.
After clicking on card in HSA-1, a spreadsheet will be called and for HSA-2 , a different spreadsheet will be called.
How will I differentiate which Arrangement card is clicked how will I pass the data and call the required spreadsheet?
You can differentiate with id inly. Always try to give id easily understandable
yeah, just now got it. Thanks for the reply
I have another query, how can I disable ‘Card Click’ once ‘Any Card View Click’ is committed.
I am getting Run Time Error when two cards are clicked simultaneously.
when any card view clicked use for each items in the block to set card view clickable to false for the used ids in which it contains card view id
I have 11 IDs of card view with Id nos as 1,2,3,4,5,6,301,302,303,304,305.
How can I use Contains Text?
The aia/aix store list view is lagging
if length of list 20 then its not lagging but after that its lagging too much
Use recycle list view extension
Hello, very good, excuse my ignorance, but how do I use the buttons of each card on the list. For example, I am trying to use the AIA/AIX Store list button so that when I press the button for a certain card, the button changes, for example, to a red color, but I don’t understand how to make the card buttons work.
Yes, of course you can, it is in the documentation and published example, but you have to read it
Hello, I have chosen the simple list but I have created a dynamic list from the initial value. I want to create a list with the initial value and it doesn’t work out. Can anyone help me?

When i load lots of values in lists especially if the list have image from external urls , the app is keep crashing how can i resolve this issue ?
Solution :
Here is the key:
"keys": [
and image code:
"id": "Clg_Logo{ID}",
"type": "Image",
"properties": {
"Height": 60,
"Width": 60,
"Picture": "{ClgLogo}"
"components": [
Here is the block:
- first you load a dummy image “load.png” whose upload in asset to create a list and the load image Async
Here is the OutPut:
before main image loading its create list with dummy image value
and after it, its load image Async and replace dummy image with main image