Admanager Revenue and Balance are not equal

hi everyone
I send the screens of my probem, the report of revenue and the balance page not egual, someone can explain please?

My balance is not equal

We have received revenue for the month of May, not June.

I have this doubt too, when the value of the report will pass to the balance sheet. @Boban

My earnings of ad manager of last month was $2 but till now it has not been updated in my kodular balances section.
Plz help anyone.

It is updated betwrrn 20 to 25 dates

I have made approx. $4 in the month of June and according to Kodular my ad manager balance should reflect the earnings in the month of July but it is still showing $0 now. Plz help

Share a screen shot of balance and report

This is the earning of April, i made $2.54 from one app.

But till now earnings are not reflected in my balance

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Please reply anyone

In ad manager kodular show X% ads in our app and also deduct money from our earning. Why can you explain

Anyone from the Kodular staff plese look after my ad manager income it is not updated since april 2022.
@Diego @Vishwas