Admob Banner Error - Can not load Ad

After Kodular E Admob Ads are not loading but they were loading fine before !

[My app is approved by Admob Approval System and it is on play store, but when I built apk today I got this error}]

When I tried to get error message it showed this

I also tested it on live tested but the error is same. What is the problem i am not getting it.

here are blocks

any fixes ??
ads are not loading on any of the screens

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@Peter can I get some help here ? I have tried a lot but no success.

I never use ads so can not help you.

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can you please mention Diego for help ?

There are a lot of things that the developers are having to look at. This will be one of the things. The developers will decide what has priority and what not. So you just have to be patient.


Admob ads not showing after kodular update please replay as soon as possible.

it is said to be fixed in 1.4.1 which is excpected soon