Describe your issue
I use 2 AdMob RewardedVideo components at my app. When there was only one component it worked fine, but after I added another Rewardedvideo component the first component stopped to trigger the “Ad video component” block.
Steps to reproduce the issue
Click the button “Veja um anúncio e libere o modo Turbo”.
Expected Behaviour
Should set “VerticalTurbo” component to visible.
Actual Behaviour
Absolutely nothing happens, no matter what I put on ADMOB_REWARDEDVIDEOTURBO AD VIDEO COMPLETED BLOCK.
Show your Blocks
Android version
6.0 (I think 8.0 too but not 100% sure)
If someone wants to test, here is the aia of the screen with the problem
FakePrintGeneratorFreeboban_Screen2Twitter (1).ais (19,3 KB)
This app will be open sourced so if someone like it feel free to use in your projects.