Advance APK Tool for Kodular Developer (APK STUDIO EDITOR)

the error has the solution also


That was Solution… I’ had J2SE from Sun microsystem… after uninstalled … problem solved.
Thank’s @Boban


Any solution for this ?

I had same problem with you before… in my case to resolve this I re install both VC_redist.x64.exe and VC_redist.x86.exe and program worked as expected… hope this can solve your problem too.

Please pm me

you can download via this

Thanks. Problem solved :heart:


install java environment in your pc first… and download your keystore from kodular and set the keystore path to Apk Editor Studio

I agree… Unlimited app assets work if your app wont be publish on Playstore… Sorry to not mentioning it

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Virustotal is used to detect the Trojan.
apk-editor-studio Virus
Trojan alert detected in APK Editor Studio

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I have installed Apk Editor Studio 1.7.0
after save the apk, I install it on my phone, but it just showing white screen all the time,
I just done editing icon, and I’ve tried to decompile and recompile the apk without any changes, but still white screen.
Any help please?
