Advanced Chat App with Firebase (Unsupported)

App has a problem


When logging, everything shows in half and other half is other thing

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Send a screenshot, this isn’t a common error.

I also have an error in the app. it doesn’t work. permanent registration

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Screenshot. I need to see what you are all talking about.

A little bit of error in this app but I think it will help you a lot :wink:

I don’t have my Android phone with me and it takes too much time to use an emulator. Send a screenshot of the error instead.

Hi, I think if u share the AIA then only we can review the error in the blocks in .apk it is not possible to see the blocks.

Download the aia from here

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Yes rizu is Right

Many blocks disabled in the aia

It depends on where those blocks are, the app will probably works fine without them, I cannot remember exactly why and which one were disabled but I’m pretty sure they helped with testing.

I’m on High School too, but I try to make both (a good UI and good features) :sweat_smile:

Having a good interface is as important as having good functions. The key to success is knowing how to combine them in an efficient, attractive and useful way for the user who downloads it. Think that the user will see only the interface, not the programming or the work that the application has inside.

So please, improve te UI too :blush::wink:

I’m just saying it to help you, I don’t want to offend you

I’m always welcome to constructive criticism. What happened is that I was just started learning, I saw other chat app on the community, and they couldn’t send voice messages only text and photos and I wanted to have the translation feature in it. And also, I’m not too good of a designer, I prefer solving problems. When I get time, I will add comments to most of the blocks so that it can be easier for new users to learn from the blocks and what features they handle.
The design can be arranged and improve by anyone using it, everyone like different things.

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Very good @bogelin347 . Features are nice. This app is interesting. I am going to try your Chat App. Improve it. Looking for new features. All the best.

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It is stuck here

It is stuck in here also

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Did you compile the app with your own FireBase information? (I can’t found the database I used for this project). Also, if yes, you may want to test the app in the companion to create the initial firebase tags. It’s a one time thing and I think what happened in the sign up page is that it’s trying to verify if the username already exists and got stuck because it never received the information.

I will do it

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I like your app very much but you should also provide apk link also

Thanks, I will do that in the future because there is some stuff that I want to modify in it.