When I Import An .ais It Tells That Project Exists I cannot Understands Why It Tells That Project Exists
But There Is No Relation Between Project and .ais
I believe That Changing Name Would Solve it
Looks like you are confused with the file extensions. Here are some file extensions that you work with in Kodular -
.aia is an extension for the files that are the main code of your project. It has all the files that will bring back your blocks if you import it on the creator.
.ais is an extension for a particular screen. You can export .ais’ and import it back to have the copy of a screen in another project.
.aix are extension files. They are used to add extra features in your app, that wouldn’t be possible with inbuilt blocks.
Note: There exist some extensions that do the same work as inbuilt blocks.
.apk files is your compiled app. You can run your app on an android device after downloading it.
.aab is now going to become the only file accepted by Google for apps on the Google Play Store. It only downloads the required code according to the device.