AIX Studio - The first desktop IDE for Kodular extension development

I can’t find AIX Studio ACTION folder please help

I can’t find build option on 2.0.2 version on window after install, it looks like vs code editor only, how can I build aix from java?

(I have download only Aix studio setup 2.0.2.exe)

Hi @cedkim,

How is your work doing on AIX Studio?


The UI seems similar to VS Code

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Yes, it is written above if you read all the post.


still having a little headache with builds

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I hope you get it fixed. :+1:t2:


Headache for so long. I think this is a little too long. :wink:
Does that mean you are giving up or are you going to keep trying? Where exactly is the problem, maybe there is someone here who can help.

Certainly not me, but there are some very crafty people here.


I know others have reported this, but this should not happen if you’re using Electron to build…


That looks like it’s the old version and I made the launcher for that using a compiled BAT script…

Just wait until I manage to fix this bug in the new version, k?

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Interesting project. Let me know if you need some tester !! :slight_smile:

the bug is still not fixed please fix it fast!

i installed but the problem i have is your builders storage(it store 312mb :sleepy: :face_with_thermometer: :face_with_head_bandage:)

i think while solving bugs try to reduce the storage of the file so all can use

It doesn’t work for me. This program appears to be an extracting 7-zip window and after that I open AIX Studio and then it says to buy a pro version to distribute your exe.

It’s been quite long since the OP was last active on the community, and the development of the project also seems to have been stopped. Until the OP updates the program, this topic will remain unlisted.