Announcing KodeJam 2k19!

You are not allowed yet. The challenge is still running.


I already submitted it.:slightly_smiling_face:

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Did anyone of you guys nail the Resolution problem?

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Cool , but don’t share ur solution yet as the contest is still ongoing. Pls wait for few hours more to discuss today’s solutions


Ya ok… Hope you all love my solution


Yes but it was quite confusing.

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fetching size of screen is easy but for resolution we probably need ppi or pixel density which i couldn’t do… so left that out.

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I am really curious how was it possible without using any API or extension. And in 10 blocks.

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Which one?
Screen resolution???
Yes that is possible but I do not whether it is correct or not.

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The e-mail & link highlighter. If I really wanted, i could make it in approx. 200 blocks


I really like this topic. Finally a topic that is not about ads. :sunglasses::grin:

I want a Kodejam challenge everyday. :+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1:


i looked for regex to detect ULR or email but got bored so left

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Not about ads but also for sharing knowledge.
I found this topic so much interesting and bookmarked it.
This topic shares a lot of knowledge for working on Kodular.
But wait KodeJam is not over it is still running…
So we can expect more knowledge :heart_eyes:


Sorry I can not share it because challenges are not over.
I will when new challenges will be out.

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I know …


We should have a daily challenge topic when the Kodejam is over. That could become a library of knowledge for the users. We wouldn’t have to wait for a certain time but you can if you wish immediately post your block alongside the challenge. Then others can see if they can make variations.

It should always be in the form of a procedure as we do now.



Sounds great. But the process of making challenges is quite hard. Even we don’t have all 30 challenges ready for KodeJam. We are still searching for ideas. And the best part is that the challenges we thought would be easy are actually a way too hard to call them easy. :sweat_smile:


Apart from discussing technical solutions, lets also share ideas about creating really useful apps that could have big social impact, maybe like :- Jinisha Tejura on Twitter: "This social app went to World Finals @technovation 2019👌 .. A bar set very high by team @Techwitches5 @phanaling under the guidance of @neerajlives @TechnovationIn 👍"

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But then you would have more then 14000 users who can make a challenge. However i think there are a large number of users only interested in earning and not in learning to code. :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

This is my commitment…


This could be something you could set up with different users but that is not what i meant for the daily challenges. But your idea is great. Working together to make a difference.

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