Apk is not downloading

I am trying to create an apk, but no downloading started after apk baking completed.

Apk builder Server is failed…

thank you.
any expected time for this solution?

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check here… @brandappsstudio

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There was an issue with the build servers earlier but it has been resolved. I just tired building an apk and it worked fine. Could you try again?

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Thank you @conor I tried one min. before but i got the error


Sir I’m still facing the same problem.

Now I have removed banner and int ads, then downloading started.

Hi, can you please send me that AIA? To check if it’s working properly


Thank You Mr Diego,
Please check inbox.

I am facing downloading problem my aia file is Exam.aia (51.9 KB)
plz help

Change google-services_(2).json in your assets folder to google-services.json and it will compile with no problem

When using Firebase Authentication component you must make sure first that google-services.json is in the assets folder, and second you NEVER change the name of the file like google-services(1).json for example.

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