App Crashes instantly while opening but works fine in companion

Hi guys, I am stuck in a big problem, my app is almost 95% completed now when I install the apk on my phone, the app instantly crashes after opening, I also searched all the community answers so far but non of them solves my problem & one more thing I noticed. while the app is not opening but in the recent apps it shows a lock icon. please check the image & please see if anybody can help me out.

Updated :::::::::::::::: I found the solution, there wasn’t any problem with my app, actually I crossed the Kodular Limits, the maximum Screens supported by Kodular is 95 pages, when ever I cross the limit of 95 pages to create another screen, no matter whether its “Empty” but when I export the APK & install on my Phone, the app crashes.

use logcat to find out what’s going on


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What is ADB is a command-line utility & how do I use it?

The link to download ADB is showing error.

Updated :::::::::::::::: I found the solution, there wasn’t any problem with my app, actually I crossed the Kodular Limits, the maximum Screens supported by Kodular is 95 pages, when ever I cross the limit of 95 pages to create another screen, no matter whether its “Empty” but when I export the APK & install on my Phone, the app crashes.

Well… you missed to follow some general recommendations… there really is no need to have 95 screens…

see for example tip 1 here


I actually tried to make it as much as possible in 1 page but the problem is arranging blocks in 1 page is difficult for 2 many pages, maximum I can manage 2 to 3 pages blocks via arrangements. after that the systems becomes too slow to handle more blocks in one page.