After the update my app crashes on install but works fine in companion

Help guys, After the update my app crashes on install but works fine in companion. In addition, am experiencing a strange result on my app which is extremely different from what i designed in the designer view. The problem occurs in the label and radio button.

Result on companion

to find out why it crashes use logcat


having issues generating my logcat. can you help me Taifun

I’m sorry, I have to leave…
describe your issue, so probably someone else is able to help…

I have only one screen of about 4000+ blocks, during testing my app works fine on companion but after installing the app crashes. I saved checkpoint and try again but same issue, I downloaded my .ais and imported it in a new project the app still crashes. I also followed a guide by editing my screen1.scm the app still crashes.
following this guide [How to Fix] App not open / open button disabled after install - #7 by techcvr

I just checked all my projects this morning and found out that all my projects are affected, app crashes. I’ll recommend that the kodular team should try and fix the problem and make an update at a convenient time and make a bug free release. The app shown above is 98% completed before the release of 1.5.2 that spoilt everything, I acknowledge the fact that kodular and their team are working so hard to make a bug free release. Please help me especially this app, if you want me to share my aia, I’ll do that.

Thank you.


I have the same problem since 4 days ago, when i build apk again of my app, the app before was working fine as i build but once i build new apk the app crush on initial screen where app close or said to close.



Thanks you the topic above cover everything now from app crush

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Os campos About app e About screen não podem ficar em branco, fazendo isso seu app deve funcionar.

translation added by Mod -community’s official lanquage is English

The About app and About screen fields cannot be left blank, so your app should work.

Same problem…

Please check if you have any copy layouts with components from other screens, this is causing crashes as well.

Did you all got any solutation if then please tell me

i am also facing same issue

please start a new thread and provide more information
see also
