App Launcher Extension(FREE)

Here is the screenshot I’m using Facebook Messenger Package name

EDIT: for facebook messenger you seem to use the correct package name… is the messenger installed on your device? What happens if you use the activity starter solution?


Yes I’m using the correct package name of Messenger

This is the package name of Facebook app not Facebook Messenger App

Of course Yes it’s installed in my device

No i didn’t use activity starter solution

I think the main problem is Your extension is made for old Android version because you didn’t updated your extension after 2020 ao that’s why it’s not working in Android 11,12,13 version please provide updated version of this extension for higher Android Version if possible Thank you :blush:

You forgot to try this

Did you test it in Android < 11?

I will try I’m reading that post but it is difficult method to open a specific app

Yes my friend tested and it’s working please fix it for higher android version like 13