App not supporting on ANDROID 12 or More, OneSignalFix extension

I made an app in kodular but it can not run in some latest models of smart phones like VIVO T1 PRO 5G etc.I found in kodular creator the list upto Android 10 to be support,but not more than that in list. So plz admins give a look on it, and let me use my app on different latest mobiles.
Thanks in advance.


Check logs to find what went wrong at installation.
Or post aia here.

Unfortunately you did not share your blocks, so we are unable to know what you are doing.

Here are some educated guesses.

SchoolSNV.aia (523.8 KB)


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Yes. you are absolutely right. I removed it and used another extension, and it worked. Thanks a lot. :pray: :clap: :+1:

Which another extension u have used instead of One Signal?

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