I need help, I am developing BaseLinker API applications with new features.
For better performance I used Dynamic Card View.
To get data I have to use two queries:
- WEB1 - basic data,
- WEB2 - image,
Basic data is fetched immediately and data is displayed correctly, on separate cards.
I have a problem with an image, the query takes a while to respond. The for loop sends the query too fast and the images do not display in the cards.
I can manually call the image by pressing the card, but I would like it to be received automatically.
Using a timer to release the loop is not a good solution, there can be 50 queries, so I am looking for something that will wait, check the correctness of the response and execute the next query in the loop.
RYS. 1 - “query” loop
RYS. 2 - response