Autofill textboxes customwebsite

Hi Guys, i’ve a issue with my kodular app.
Please, can you help me?
i have a screen, when is initilize, go to url, and next I would like the username and password fields fill up automatically.
Website source code is:

JavaScript is not enabled. Please enable JavaScript in your browser or contact your system administrator for assistance.
To open a new session, please click here.
Forgot Password?
<!--// globalInputs = getFormCompatibility(); softTokenInput = getSoftTokenInput();

window.sessionTimeout = new APMSessionTimeout(sessionTimedOut);

function dontChangePasswordClick(){
var checkbox = document.getElementById(“dont_change_password_checkbox”);
var password = document.getElementById(“input_1”);
var verify = document.getElementById(“input_2”);
if( checkbox.checked ){
password.value = “”;
password.disabled = true;
verify.value = “”;
verify.disabled = true;
password.disabled = false;
verify.disabled = false;

I think that username element ID is=“input_1”?Correct?
and password ID is=input_2. Correct?
Now my code in Kodular is:

But, when page is loaded not autofill textbox

What am I doing wrong?
please, can you hep me?


Wait till page loads completely and then run the javascript.

Hi Sunny,Should I add a few more lines of code?
What code?



Since js will only work when page is loaded completed so put EvaluateJS function inside PageLoaded event.

I putted EvaluateJS inside PageLoaded but not working yet…
what test can i try?


The code in my website is:

JavaScript is not enabled. Please enable JavaScript in your browser or contact your system administrator for assistance.
To open a new session, please click here.
Forgot Password?
<!--// globalInputs = getFormCompatibility(); softTokenInput = getSoftTokenInput();

window.sessionTimeout = new APMSessionTimeout(sessionTimedOut);

function dontChangePasswordClick(){
var checkbox = document.getElementById(“dont_change_password_checkbox”);
var password = document.getElementById(“input_1”);
var verify = document.getElementById(“input_2”);
if( checkbox.checked ){
password.value = “”;
password.disabled = true;
verify.value = “”;
verify.disabled = true;
password.disabled = false;
verify.disabled = false;

i already another issue…this webpage is INTRANET page and when i open it with internet samsung told me select user certificate that already installed in my business phone.
how to insert this request in customwebview?how to select this user certificate ?


put also code When customewebview. AfterJavaScriptEvaluated—>call Notifier.Show Alert–>notice---->>get result and return Null…
Why, return null?
Is correct?


I have one problem when my text box is get autofilled but after when i click the submit button its again ask to fill the text box and if i click the button through js then result show null. Please help me.

Show your blocks and js
