Ayuda para obtener un resultado con un bloque de tipo Web Got Text

Saludos a todos estimados miembros del foro, escribo para solicitar ayuda, estoy tratando de extraer un dato de una consulta consumiendo una API, al realizar la consulta obtengo el resultado positivo con respuesta 200, pero al momento de pasar ese resultado a una etiqueta o un valor inicial no logro hacerlo, he intentado varias formas y nada, a pesar de que en otras pantallas si funciona en la principal no quiere funcionar.

“CodAlte”: “GAROTOINDV”,
“CodProd”: “0003”

Este el JSON y estas son las estructuras con la que estoy armando el bloque:


Que puedo estar haciendo mal que el resultado regresa vacío?.

Greetings everyone happy afternoon I am trying to make a product finder consuming my own api, the responses on the api side work great even when I make the query to add it to the listing in my kodular project it works excellent, the issue is that I am trying in a new screen to pass a value coming either from a list or from a code, but I get the following error:


This even though the JSON is being encoded and loaded correctly, in this example I put the JSON load result in a tag to see if it was returning empty, but that is not the error.

This is the actual structure of my block after returning the result but I don’t understand if it is structured the same as the query because it is returning this error, the main goal is to send the value of CodProd to a different screen but for basic purposes of the explanation I am trying to send even a list in this screen and even so I can’t do it:

Can you help me understand what I am doing wrong?

These are the other associated blocks so that you can have a better understanding:

Meanwhile you received help here Solicito ayuda para obtener un resultado con un bloque de tipo Web Got Text - MIT App Inventor Help - MIT App Inventor Community
But you still did not understand, that CodProd and CODPROD are different… trying to search for CODPROD will return nothing, what about trying CodProd instead?

names are case sensitive… CODPROD → CodProd

PS: by the way actually your complete post is inappropriate for this community, because only posts in English are allowed here

But I have always published in my language, not all the speaking universe speaks English nor is it a requirement for programming to speak English, in fact I have other queries in English to which no one has given any help, now I solved my problem by changing the structure for a completely different dynamic, anyway thank you very much for the intention.

Pero siempre he publicado en mi idioma, no todo el universo hablante habla ingles ni tampoco para programar es un requisito el que se hable ingles, de hecho tengo otras consultas en ingles a las que nadie ha dado con ayuda alguna, ahora bien resolví mi problema cambiando la estructura por una dinámica totalmente distinta, de todas formas muchas gracias por la intención.

As this is a sharing community, please provide a screenshot of your solution to help others with the same question in future

The community language here in this community is English
