Baserow - Open source no-code database

it looks like a list, but it is not… see also “this is not a pipe” here

let me suggest to store it in JSON format and convert it back to a list after reading


Thank you Taifun
I’ve been searching for 5 hours on how to convert list to JSON format and I can’t find anything that explains it :nerd_face:

Updated @sherif ,
I’ve updated ListToJson extension and added two more methods so that it will be easy for you to parse to JsonRepresentation and decode the JsonRepresentation too.
ListToJson.aix (5.1 KB)

Java code used :


    public String ParseJsonFromList(YailList items){

        return items.toJSONString();



    public String GetJsonRepresentation(Object value){

        return JsonUtil.getJsonRepresentation(value);



    public Object GetValueFromJsonRepresentation(String value){

        return JsonUtil.getObjectFromJson(value);


There is an error saving JSON format in Baserow table

No need extension. there is a property in project property panel, ‘show list as json’, just tick it, you will get like [‘a’,‘b’,1,2]


Yeah, I found that whenever we send JSON as a cell-data, it is triggering the error occured event.
A temporary solution can be using zero-width space character. Copy from this website : ​ - Zero Width Space: U+200B - Unicode Character Table (

What i did here is copied zero width space from the website i mentioned and then rather than sending the lists, i sent datas as String separated by that zeroWidthSpace .

Or use this extension which use same method as above but make you easy to parse and decode.
Parser.aix (5.4 KB)


Can anyone can tell me, how to create self-hosted database through baserow ?

The documentation is available on baserow website.

See there :

Can you send me a tutorial.

I’ve never hosted my own !

Follow the documentation as in . If you got any problem, then you can ask at Baserow Community
,I guess.


Thanks for your help :blush::blush::blush:

Thank you very much, it works as a test. I will use the extension in my project then reports you

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Can i use both, numbers(0-9)and Alphabet or Special characters (#$_&-+*) as a row id.

You should study the blocks documentation. The row id is always an integer.


I asked this question because, when user install the app and create data/value,I store all in baserow or row id in tinydb for getting values/data again when he open app.

But there was another problem is when user uninstall the app and install again the stored data in tinydb is clear, how i find user raw id ?

Is there another way to get specific raw value without raw id ?

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For now, you can use repsonse for that. It always show your rowId, order and Name in JSON format. For this , you should know how to get value from JSON.

However, I will add a feature in next release to get list of rowIds in list directly from this extension. TODO


Yes,i found raw id easily by using this method.
But, when user delete this app and install again,how i find rawid ?

By their name, email or anything that you have stored in the same row id on different columns maybe ! Depends upon the database you have made .


I know this already.
To limit the usage of bandwidth of database that is why i asked this question. Now i find a way - Call user id columns list then get user id from this we know its raw id.
Thanks @oseamiya for help


please add sql qury replacing id option.