Baserow - Open source no-code database

Can you show an example ?

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Is it possible to have some examples of blocks?

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Thank you for your interest @oseamiya , but it is better to explain by blocks how to add a table and how to add a column to an already existing table :nerd_face:

I’m sorry, but I didn’t understand what you meant to me

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I was asking extension developer @oseamiya to explain to us how to add table and column by blocks

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You can use this block to create a new table using web component. @Gian_Luca @UnknownMan541

I have no plan to update the extension for adding this method. So, you can use this.

Web1.URL is set to

16693 is my database id. You should set it to your own database id.

good morning, I thank you. But I was not interested in the method to create a new table, if possible, I wanted some example blocks to add row, modify data, delete row and view entire row or table.
Thanks and congratulations for your work

These are the methods already available in the extension. CreateRow methods will create a new row. See the documentation on #1 about each block.

hi guys, how can I single out the row that is created on Baserow?
I use dynamic component and with baserow I created a database, I deleted the first two lines from baserow and now the first line is number 3.
In dynamic component the first value is 1 which corresponds to row 3 of baserw. How do I associate component 1 of dynamic component with line nr. 1 by baserow?
I tried to use row ids but it returns all rows not just one. Can you help me please ?

Hello, i make chatting app and i wanna use this extension but how i cant got the row id ?

You can get list of rowIds in your table from GotAllRows event.

Sorry, I am not getting what you wanted to do here.

Thx so much … but that not the perfect slotion for my problem

SOLVED thank you dora_paz
hi guys, if I have different values in a row for example: hi, how are you, very nice, excellent, I love you
how do i see the values one below the other?
for example I would like the text to wrap when the text contains a comma (,). I tried \ n but it doesn’t work.
Any advice is welcome

If you are using a label set HTML Format to true and use <br> instead of \n


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ok thanks, today I try


hello, I have tried so far … I have not succeeded.
I don’t have the label1 materially I have dynamic components.
The labels are created dynamically and I cannot wrap when I encounter a special character in the display

So for all the rows you want to wrap column values in dynamically created labels ?

yes, practically these are comments inserted for each cardview, the comments are all in the same row of baserow. I would like to subdivide the comments to be able to view them one under the other

A simple example