Baserow - Open source no-code database

hi guys, how can I single out the row that is created on Baserow?
I use dynamic component and with baserow I created a database, I deleted the first two lines from baserow and now the first line is number 3.
In dynamic component the first value is 1 which corresponds to row 3 of baserw. How do I associate component 1 of dynamic component with line nr. 1 by baserow?
I tried to use row ids but it returns all rows not just one. Can you help me please ?

Hello, i make chatting app and i wanna use this extension but how i cant got the row id ?

You can get list of rowIds in your table from GotAllRows event.

Sorry, I am not getting what you wanted to do here.

Thx so much … but that not the perfect slotion for my problem

SOLVED thank you dora_paz
hi guys, if I have different values in a row for example: hi, how are you, very nice, excellent, I love you
how do i see the values one below the other?
for example I would like the text to wrap when the text contains a comma (,). I tried \ n but it doesn’t work.
Any advice is welcome

If you are using a label set HTML Format to true and use <br> instead of \n


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ok thanks, today I try


hello, I have tried so far … I have not succeeded.
I don’t have the label1 materially I have dynamic components.
The labels are created dynamically and I cannot wrap when I encounter a special character in the display

So for all the rows you want to wrap column values in dynamically created labels ?

yes, practically these are comments inserted for each cardview, the comments are all in the same row of baserow. I would like to subdivide the comments to be able to view them one under the other

A simple example

I have comments in each line, I would like to display these comments one under the other

Something like this ? If yes see above blocks

to me it is not so, in the single box you will find all the comments divided by a special character.

when I encounter $ I have to go to the line below. But I can’t use replace all text otherwise on the next load there is no more $ and so it doesn’t go to the next line anymore

Ok got it . Do you have many rows ? Or just one row with all comments ?

I have many lines
each line has its own comments

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my problem is that my program is all based on Get Column and Got Column and not Get all Row and Got all Row. I have tried to apply your advice above but unfortunately I am getting errors. If I send you my .aia in private can you help me to achieve the desired result? Thank you

If you wish send and I will try to give it a look