Best Browser to use?

Opera to Firefox to Chrome

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yeah, it is fixed now :smiley:

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Chrome 64 bit the OS it’s 64 bit as well.

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Reporting an outstanding performance using Firefox (native) with Linux Manjaro 64 bits

I’m testing Waterfox now, with the Community and VS Code open, it runs with lag, but once it calms down it’s quite smooth for me, with of course a 500 block project. It doesn’t get to the point, where it’s as a bad as Chrome. Quite ironically, Google is a company which worries about Storage quite more than RAM.

I’ve been testing it. It is not very good in performance (it limits the use of the Hardware a lot). Chrome is still the best alternative using Chromium

Currently using the new Microsoft Edge for personal use, and Chrome Dev AMD64 builds for work. :smile:

I’m currently koding an app on my iPad using the Safari Browser. It’s incredibly infuriating but I hope in the end it will be worth it.

Conclusion: as of 2020 there are only 2 real web browsers: Google Chrome/Chromium and it:s derivatives/forks helping google to centralize the wen and Mozilla with Firefox. Neither are good, both are lying and it comes down to your personal preference, which you want to use. There are no real speed differences between Gecko and Blink as of my testing

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for me(and other mobile users) Puffin is at its best

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Puffin was also available for Pc but they removed that​:worried:

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I really don’t trust puffin, seems very scammy. You send all your data on their server, they could intercept everything you do.

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Where was Iron?!!

Yosh :thinking: :crazy_face:

Which browser do you use while working on Kodular ?

  • Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Opera
  • IE
  • Other

0 voters

And if we use different ones?
Just joking, I am actually using Iron but it’s the same as Chrome.

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Well, I can’t vote Chrome for it’s distributions, because all of them have their strengths and weaknesses.
I use Brave now btw

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never heard of it before. is it good?

Never heard of this one, but sounds good.

What? Well,

Very good.

@catastrophe2help: could you add our browsers?