[BETA] Dependencies Resolver - Resolve All The required Dependencies for your Extension

great work just tested it and it downloaded jar correctly hands off to your great work :smiley:


Amazing! I have one question though. I have an aar that contains important resources. If I use jarOnly would the resources be filtered out?

Are those .XML ones ? :thinking:

Hello @WatermelonIce ,

Yes, the support for library files is limited to .jar files, for AARs, extension developers commonly extracts and uses its classes.jar file, which contains the classes for the .aar, currently itโ€™s not possible in appinventor ( or any of its distros ) to use the android resources which an .aar file bundles. Some maven artifacts which is being downloaded by this library is possibly an .aar file, and since itโ€™s not supported for extensions, the library would only use the .aar's classes.jar, and exclude other unsupported files, such as the resources, from the library.

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Thanks. So it seems I will have to wait for aar support. I think someone did a PR a year ago but they still havenโ€™t merged it.


i think your dep resolver should also support jitpack.io

Hello @luv.ak.tech ,
Yes, itโ€™s good to support by default, i would consider it in a next update. However, you can always import it as a custom repository.
In the GUI, check Home โ†’ Options โ†’ Custom Repositories
In the CLI, see the add-repository command.

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hi @Mohamed_Tamer i saw a bug when i try to download a lib it says success when i check my folder no file is downloaded? why does it says so? screenshot -

Hello @luv.ak.tech
Thanks for the report! Can you please post the complete logs ( printed in the box under the output directory ), also, does it work after retrying?

i tried several times and how do i give the output it cant be copied

I mean, the resolving logs printed in this box:

so i just send screenshot?

No, I meant to copy the logs and post it here.

it cant be copied when i click it it just selects the logs box

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I see, I have put together a fix for this to take place in the next release:


Hi, Mohammed Tamer, I have Java 14 installed, will that work with this?


I just tried it, it does work :)


error dep resolve.zip (11.7 KB)
here i uploaded as zip as it was reaching too long

Thanks @luv.ak.tech, I have just made a fix for this in the upcoming release.

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Hey @Mohamed_Tamer this is a really awesome and helpful tool. Thanks a lot for this. I have one suggestion. As you know that there are progaurd rules in aar files. Would be great if the tool collects and stores those rules from aar files and creates a single text file with all of those rules.

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