Bubble Browser [Free] AIA File - Fast as Light

Ok. So I wouldn’t call this a " browser"


lol man…

thanks you very much

Ok… I will improve it in future,:grinning::grinning::grinning:

Good app but… let me say some things:

  1. First… what is the point of putting the status bar to this color??? But it to white or add a title bar, it will be way mooore beautiful than this.

  2. CHANGE THE LABELS COLOR, It’s unreadable…

  3. Change the icons. Use this : https://www.flaticon.com/authors/detailed-flat-circular/flat and search whatever you want. (some google icons are paid, so if you don’t wanna pay, then go to Free icons designed by Freepik | Flaticon and search a cool style but not an “colorful thing” like this or this:

  4. A) How is the loading screen useful ?? Please tell me because it takes the same amount of time everytime in launch it.
    B) The lottie animation is… um… not good. Use a circular loading thing to make it more “professional”

  5. Why linking YouTube, Google Play, Gmail, Facebook and Maps as they have their respective apps ?

7-9 days isn’t too much. For exemple I’ve took 9 month to make an app and even if I took that long, I will not giveaway my AIA since this is not finished.
Don’t call it a “professional UI” when it’s not. Personaly, I will not buy an AIA like this. But this my own opinion.

This is true: The app is very fast and lite. You can navigate smoother than with others Kodular koded browsers.

I wish you a good continuation by hoping that you will not take this badly. I tried to make the most constructive criticism possible.

Happy :kodular:oding !


You can use this:
Color Tool


Or this:
Material design palette

To create a more pleasant and mostly professional interface.

Edit: The icons I guess it gives your app personalized. But the lyrics, the status bar, among other elements that have nothing to do with the app are distorted and affect the user experience. Use a suitable color set.


ok… i will use this website. thanks for suggestion. :+1: :grinning:

but, some icons are paid in flaticon

Bubble Update 1.0.1

What's New

*Improved UI
*Minor Changes
*Lotti Animation Changed
*Now you can enter URL in 2nd textbox


Price- 25₹ AIA
Contact- PM ME

You didn’t upload the updated APK.

I will upload it tomorrow for some reason

I said it in the message.

I have not tested your app. But i would like to tell you that, you should make another type of app not a browser, cuz there are already tons of browser app. And as you have put your app as paid, nobody is going to buy it.
People can easily search the stuff they want on a regular browser rather than on your app. All the features you are giving in your app can be easily done in a normal browser.

Anyways best of luck!

Happy Koding,

Unusual Coder


Question for Every One:-

Should I change my app’s name, if yes what should i keep??

Honestly, i like the name bubble. I think you should keep it.

Ok… Thanks for suggestion. :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:

Can you upload the new APK?

1 Like

Version Big Bubbles is here

Features Added:-

*QR Code and Bar Code Scanner Added *Camera Option *Minor changes done

Download APK:-Bubble.apk (5.8 MB)


*Review the APK
*Say if any bugs are there
–>> I will thank you.

Happy Koding,

  1. The qrcode generator does not work, it always generates the qr for “Default”:
  1. The share does not work:

  2. Why does the sales icon also open te qr code screen. That makes no sense!

  3. What is the point in the camera button, it just takes a picture. Doesn’t even save it in our gallery, nothing.

  4. If the url does not contain http:// or https:// instead of showing “Not a URL” just automatically add http:// in front.

  5. If the webpage is not available, the progress bar always stays there (the loading bar)

  6. The Google Docs (I suppose) is not complete

  7. Why are these bars clickable?

  8. When you go back it overlapped my search with the url text

  9. Redirect users to the ‘normal’ google (Google.com) not the Indian one (google.co.in)

  10. Still when I press the back button on my phone (not the button in the app) it prompts me to exit instead if going to the previous page in the webviewer.

This app needs some serious improvement but I think you got this! I believe in you and you have a good chance in this! You are a very young and talented developer!! Keep working hard :muscle:



Just a question, didn’t you understand what I said? I do not force anyone to change anything in their application, I always try to make suggestions and not criticisms, but at this point …

According to the screens of @Mateja, The QR code reader is just unreadable. The color does not go at all on white. I don’t judge on taste but on the practicality of reading. It’s impossible, or you have to force to read.

If you do not speak English, you can always use a translation service such as Google Translate (I say that because I know there is an integrated system but there are still bugs). I say that because for the structuring of your sentences, you are not English.

Good luck and remember to take into account the opinions (I am not necessarily talking about modifying the application) or at least consider them, and do not ignore them as you did with my last long message.

Happy Koding!