Bug in Arrangement with Width FillParent Properties

I checked out Bugs in Kodular Eagle before creating a new topic

Describe your issue

When i set any arrangement to Fill Parent and test my apk then cutting screen content.

Steps to reproduce the issue

i’m trying to set width 100% or set Screen1.width to arrangement width but not solved my problem

Expected Behaviour

Actual Behaviour

Show your Blocks

Android version

Android Version:9 MIUI 11

Andriod Version 5.1 Samsung Phone

Android Version:5.1 ZenPhone

if you not seen difference in screenshots then download photo then view because screenshot and this post surface is white.

i face this issue with an another sereen

See :point_up_2: card view is cutting as well as admob banner is not showing with Full Width.

Can you share a sample.aia

i do’t shere aia because my app is totaly complete and i’m working with in 3 month so i do’ t want to publish aia.
but i’m going to make another app for testing

Seriously did I say anything about your aia


i’m making sample.aia for you

hi, when i test with another project then it run perfectly.
and i can’t understand why this happening with my original project.

Somewhere you are setting your width to be bigger then your screen

i set fill parent

check width of images in arrangement. If they are together over 100 %, then the width of arrangement doesn’t matter, it will be bigger than Screen. :+1:

See “bannerAd_HA” arrangement. i set width full parent but ads is not futting with full widht

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