Bug on texbox properties

On my mobile, when i want to entry a data (text & number) in a textbox field,
the android keybord stay on ‘number only’, even if, in kodilar, i’ve settled the textbox properties : input type to 1: Normal. (I also tried with Input 3: 3 names => Same result)
Anyone have an idea to help me ?
Many Thks

Please provide a small test project as small as possible, which elicits this issue and a screenshot of the blocks


Hi Taifun,
I did two screenshoots :
1=> From Kodular

2 => Result on my mobile

When i’m on the field [DATE], you can see the keyboard of the device, i’ve no possiblity to enter text
There is nothing in block code (meaning i do any change on textbox properties, i’m just getting the data to store it in firebase)

and add it into this thread

Hi Taifun,

I have copied the relevant screen. No code is needed.
If you test with Compagnon, you will have a Numeric Keybord on the device despite of Normal entry type in Kodular

Thks for your help
TestNewFam.aia (38.9 KB)

Hi Taifun,
Any idea for me, i’m stuck. The only solution i see is to rebuild the design

You have to delete the text box that has a problem and re-create another one or set the input method through blocks
TestNewFamfix.aia (39.0 KB)

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