Bugs in Community

I also have face a timing bug

Whatever I post just now, it shows that I posted 4 mins ago

Here we see at one place it is correct but, at one place the timing is wrong


I thought it was only me

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i had bookmarked it

I think it is time to highlight several points:

  1. Nothing and nobody is perfect; everything may contain errors

  2. The theme, as many know (and highlighted here) is Open Source, so anyone can create a PR to solve something if they wish.

  3. At the time, the theme had been tested and debugged by almost 90%, however Discourse is a constantly changing software, so it is possible that there are things that corrupt parts of the theme

While it is true that I continued the initial work of Vishwas, I can not do anything else since I do not even have a laptop or PC



If it is so then Kodular could have sticked to original Discourse themes.
It was their decision to implement custom design and we are just helping them in making it better. (Not best because Discourseā€™s themes are far better than whatever I am seeing currently)

If I am not wrong then 60% of users here hardly know about App Development.

Thatā€™s not true unless you are using beta version.
Stable version hardly gets any update.

Why so? :thinking:


Going off-topic, many extensions on the community are open-source. No one wants to contribute to them, but sometimes they want to take pieces from those and add it to their projects, thatā€™s not the problem. The problem arises when people, specifically extension developers and Kodular, open-source something, everyone wants to complain, but they never want to contribute themselves and fix it. They want it to be done for them.

Iā€™m not sure you understand the point of the theme, if you have such a big problem with a few alignment issues, you can always switch themes. The option is there and Iā€™m sure will continue to be. Kodular made the theme for branding, they wanted their community to match their brand, the whole reason Discourse has customizable themes in the first place. No one is forcing you to stick with one theme.

Application development and web development are two completely different things, one actually being easier than the other. Regardless, if you want your issue to have high priority, then I suggest, like @yanquisalexander, forking the theme and submitting a PR with a fix.

Beta versions of software often become a stable version of the software. For example, alpha software will eventually move to being beta software, however, alpha will, for the most part, have most of the major changes.

@vknow360 If youā€™ve been keeping up with @yanquisalexanderā€™s projects, youā€™d know that he hasnā€™t had a computer in quite some time. Why he doesnā€™t have a piece of technology is of no ones concern, but his own and who he feels needs to know. He said why he didnā€™t have a computer some time back, and I really donā€™t feel like going back to grab the sentence.

On top of everything here, Iā€™m wondering why we started a new topic in the first place now. There was a topic regarding the new community theme, where people were reporting issues, and now thereā€™s another topic. Everyone needs a break, theyā€™re working hard and donā€™t need more food on their plates.


Firstly my post was not to target @yanquisalexander.
And secondly I only know Java.So it is obvious if I could then I would have.

I have users to impress not a community to manage.

I investigated and found that none of the themes is fine for me.
If I remember correctly then Discourse provides few themes as built in and others can be installed.

Thatā€™s the reason they are responsible for it.
If I have problem with default themes then I shall just report it that in Discourse forum.

But this community includes a lot of self claimed app developers.Very few claim here that they are web developer too.(HTML + CSS + JavaScript does not mean web development)

But why to choose beta version when you gave a huge community to manage? :thinking:

Yes, he told in the morning.


That was never at all implied through my response.

Correct, however, none of them mightā€™ve been what the team wanted, so they created something themselves. Like we all do when people need an extension.

Open source isnā€™t meant so that the source is put on VCS and no one helps with it. Itā€™s meant to help people learn and collaborate, none of which I see many on this community doing. Very few here contribute to open source, but for some reason their projects are open source? You canā€™t expect help if you donā€™t help others.

CSS, HTML, and JavaScript are a large part of web development. Not just React Native, if thatā€™s what you were thinking of.

Iā€™m not sure if the community is running a beta version of Discourse. I was simply pointing out that beta versions eventually become stable


But when did I expect help?
I just pointed out few bugs which are yet to be confirmed.
As discussed a long time ago, I am sure Kodular is open to suggestions.

It means I can contribute too? I know little of all of them.

It seems.
Notification bug is/was present in beta version.

Neither did my response imply you needed help.

And I was responding to thisā€¦

Somehow Iā€™m wondering how you learned Java to create extensions.

Then let it be said that the community is running with the beta version of Discourse.


Thereā€™s no relation between html/css/js and java

and also lets close this topic :sweat_smile: its going longā€¦


Sure, but this time Iā€™m implying that CSS, HTML, and JavaScript are all easier to learn than Java.


:sweat_smile: Every lang has its own uniqueness and purposes :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Never said anything otherwise, however weā€™re talking about web developmentā€¦ which is CSS, HTML, and JavaScript!

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I am also confused about that.
I left the course after completing 17% of it on Udemy.

Yes, sure.

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So, here he said little, little doesnā€™t mean he doesnā€™t know

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100% right


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