Build failed! We could not get your Ad Manager Child Network Code

Previously my app compiled successfully with Google Ad Manager Ads and I published it on Google Play , but now without changing anything in the app I get this error when I try to compile.

Build failed! We could not get your Ad Manager Child Network Code and, consequently, set your app Ad Unit IDs. If the problem persists after a few minutes, please contact Kodular

What could be the reason ? Anybody else having this problem ?

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Same Problem In my app Give any solution please

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Hey, Even i have been experiencing the same Problem!

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Is there already a solution to fix it? Same Problem In my app Give any solution please

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any solution for this

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Guys its working for me now

Yes because of …

@Diego same problems now facing how to solve it…?

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I am also getting same problem build faild because of admanager child network code

I am also getting same problem.any solution for this.

Sorry about the issue, it should be now fixed.

its working for me now.THNX

Thank you @Diego it’s now working

I have one more request to please check Push Notification Component also, it is not working

Does anyone know the solution for this error [quote=“atmihiranga, post:1, topic:170455, full:true”]
Previously my app compiled successfully with Google Ad Manager Ads and I published it on Google Play , but now without changing anything in the app I get this error when I try to compile.

Build failed! We could not get your Ad Manager Child Network Code and, consequently, set your app Ad Unit IDs. If the problem persists after a few minutes, please contact Kodular

What could be the reason ? Anybody else having this problem ?
