Can't build aab

I can’t export the apk too…
Error message:
The build server is currently busy. Please try again in a few minutes.
If it starts building, it usually stucks at 40%.
if it generates the apk after 200 tries, the link has expired.
I couldn’t download my apk for 4 days

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And you are wondering, why the buildserver is overwhelmed… if everyone attacks the buildserver as you are doing it I’m not surprised that noone is able to build…



I think, according to my 3 year development experience, the servers of Kodular are overloaded. The burden on build system is much high than that of Server’s capacity. Hope it’ll be done soon and we’ll have agreat experience again.
And another thing, As playstore needs SDK 33, you all guys can use manual ways to convert into SDK 33 as I’m doing.
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I have been trying to extract the AAB for 4 days now and it has not been extracted. I ask for help or an explanation of what is happening. Please let me know the day the problem is resolved. Does this happen to me or to everyone?

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No need to do this anymore… Kodular already targets SDK33… They only forgot to add some behavioral changes…


when export aab file loading too much time and in the end build failed!

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Same for me too. APK build works fine but AAB always fails.


Same here! How can I fix it?

The construction system yesterday was at 54.76% and today it is at 43.23%, let’s hope it is fixed soon

Just compile the APK, it already includes SDK 33, send it to the mobile along with our android.keystore file to convert it to AAB and be able to sign it.
Use APK to AAB convert

The same error here, I almost created a new topic but I see that this happens to other users, so I join this post, I have the same problem only with AAB.


Try the workaround by @Gaston and let us know if it works for you



For the last one week, I am unable to compile into AAB any project of mine. The latest error log file is attached.

Sometimes there are messages like - error writing to server, or build failed. I reach 85% of the compiling stage before receiving the error.

Tried aab compiling many other projects without success. The APK compile is okay.

Is there something wrong with my account or is it the server side?

Thanks for any comments or suggestions.


You add some extension in your project that isn’t support Kodular builder

i am create new fresh project without any extension. when i compile aab show same above error. last 5 days i am facing this issue. and few kodular users given fake answers in community. all aab compiler is not working. if help any one user give proper solution else don reply for this problem. because all ready all user frustrated

Have you not read any of the myriad community posts about these issues before you posted? Kodular updated to a new version a few days ago and it’s been full of bugs/not compiling ever since. And @kodular haven’t said a thing, which is incredibly poor.

Try the workaround by @Gaston and let us know if it works for you


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Schermata del 2023-10-18 15-00-42

This is what I get, has this ever happened to anyone? Tried several times…

Every now and then this message comes up instead:
The build server is currently busy. Please try again in a few minutes.

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