Can't build aab

Failing to build aab after several attempts. I keep getting error message that something ‘went wrong.’ Please help.


yes I have the same problem

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I facing the same problem, also building time takes too long. When QR Showing the link has timed out


Anyone from support to assist us please?

I have the same problem

Is there a problem with the site’s servers.؟؟؟… because it does not extract my application

yep. still offline

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Same problem, APK is generate, but aab not

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I think its for latest android SDK API33 implementation in Kodular software. May the issue fixed soon.

Same issue

Build server is offline from long time @Diego please fix it soon

yeah. some permission are not yet working so that’s why the build system is temporary offline until further notice.

why export aab files get error

I think it’s time to learn flutter. All my apps were deleted from Google Play within 1 week.

You are spreading again misinformation
I already explained to you recently


Thanks. So, what in your opinion is the best way forward since google console doesn’t accept aab file less that API 33?

Where to see that Kodular updated to API 33 ? on publishing tab it showing API 29 max. Can anyone tell me plesae .

You should understand the difference between min sdk and target sdk

I can’t even build the .aab bundle after like 30 tries.

They are not taking this seriously anymore time to move on I’m done.

I understand Taifun . Thanks. Can you tell me if there anything we have to cange in my app ? like asking for any permission ? or it will be auto generate ? This will help me update my app . Thanks in advance