Change country code with country

how can i use to set the default country code to the users country during mobile verification…i dont have information about api and json…it will be better for me if u show me the blocks

This may help you to find users country code


it would be good but its not getting country code…i mean phone country code like for india it is +91 and for united states it is +1 …instead it is getting country code as US for united states and this will not work in phone verification

Using ipapi - API Reference | IP Location Examples this you can get country calling code. But you need some knowledge about API and JSON

Learn how to fetch json data from api using dictionary in kodular

its too complicated can u plz simplify it for me

Here i made everything for you with XML data



i tried it but its only working with button click i want it to change text of textbox with screen initialize

@Lakshya_Pratap1This is just a reference for your understanding. You can make changes according to your requirement.

i know and i tried but it didnt work with screen initialize

What did you tried? Show your blocks

plz wait i m sending u