Change the name of the application

hello i want to change the name of my application

Is there a way for me to change here or would it be a problem if I change the name of the app from about section please help and I looked at other issues but couldn’t find a solution

To change the name of your project: click on the project name at the top left corner , type the new name, and the click enter.
To change the AppName. Choose screen1 component and then change the app name property to your new app name.

What do you mean with the about section

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Clicking enter I guess I should have done this and Well, changing the project and application name both. Does it affect the ad approval because my app is approved and I don’t want to send it back for approval

I read before that the approval system is maneged using the project Id and not the project name :thinking: So, I think changing the project/app name won’t affect the approval , as the if didn’t change.See also here:

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