Chat View Error: The Senders and Receivers User Image is The Same

Help Why Whenever a User Receives an Messsage and the User Image is the Same Image as the Senders User Image?
This is my Blocks:

Note: The User Image is from TinyDB
blocks (3)

Check your block

While getting image your are using the tag pp3 takes pp2 image. Here what is the meaning of pp3. What is the meaning of pp2? Actually your storing image in pp3 then why r u calling pp2…?

Also, Is tinyDB storing the image ? Quite surprising

Can u send a aia file in this chat app

pp2 means Profile Picture 2 and if the pp3 cannot Found the User Image can use the pp2 which came from Login Screen. I’m calling it pp2 because it means “profile picture 2”

how you are getting sender image, show us, if u dont mind

I dont know I only know on how to Get Receivers User Image

You should try making your own app and if you have problems you can ask here.

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