Chatview need help

yes please this will help a lot and this is a useful component because to have a professional looking view for chats. This let the whole App look better and more professional. Thanks if we can have a aia or a tutrial for the block components.

And next time dont say again you tried it without showing us what you tried.
You only said it is not working, but not what you have tried.


thanks for that help with that. but i need to say something. I played around a complete afternoon but i dont bring it to work.i dont ask for help if i didnt tried it. My problem was that i dont used a procedure and i dont worked with a tiemstamp. Same for user id.

I can say thank you again This aia is a little help for me now i play around since a while to get it to work with firebase.

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How save chat value n fairbase

I’ve posted a “guide” for this 5 min ago, but it’s not approved yet, I will share link when it’s published by a moderator :slight_smile:

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Have a look there :+1:


Why this error

Because you try to get a list of 3 when you only have 1.
Show your blocks please!

I see you are using my example of getting image from assets, is this correct for you?
I have only my family as users and store the pictures of my family in assets, that’s why I’ve done it like that. It might be that whats giving you the error?

Ok so what good for me, give me some ideas

Well, first you can add a picture into assets with ex. name.png and then add that as picture and see how it works. If there is still error it’s something else :slight_smile:

i tested
this and this do
not work.

Eeehm, do you get the same error as @debnathtapash56? If so, show your blocks so I can see :slight_smile:

no i get for a item of a list of null. i mean i get only the ta value. of the data changed block. You set the value in a global vairalble with the block list of a row… and take with the block item in list /index. but the list is null so you dont get the items of the list because the list is null.

Can you share some blocks @plang58?
It works perfectly for me, I have absolutely no problems with the view of chat or storing all data.

strange, i cannot send it because i use my version again. this works for me what i sent you. maybe there was problem with that that you use the text box text and i set the text to a global variable. and i get the username from the dialog… maybe this makes the different but the logic i used yours. But makes no different now because i have a working version. and if your version works for you too than its fine. thx for your help really nice people need this.

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did you test if your id sysdtem works if 2 or 3 devises chatt with each other . i dontthink that this will work

Yes, this works, me and my wife is using this chat on different devices :wink:

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