Colintreeimage slider extension crashed when manual sliding

i made a dynamic image slider using airtable and everything works great.
i am using ColinTreeImageSlider extension to do that. and now i am facing some issues like slider click event is not working and when i try to slide image manually the app crashed.

I know i can make image slider using a timer and image component like this - Auto Image Slider but its kind of easy to make and use colin tree version

i have downloaded the aix from - SlideShow (Carousel) - ColinTreeSlideShow · Appinventor/Thunkable Extensions
website displays version 2 update details but when i download the file its version 1. There is no download link for version 2, except the aia file provided on that website, that aia file contains the version 2 aix. i tried to extract the aix from the aia but when i import the extracted aix in my project, the project itself is not opening.

can you try this apk and test if its working for you or not.

this is the apk file - ImageSlider.apk (4.6 MB)

Block Layout -

Thank You


There’s already a similar component, View Flipper, available in Kodular. Why don’t you try it?

i know but it doesn’t support online images, i want to make it dynamic and managed from airtable,

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i don’t need it anymore

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