Como eu reproduzo um link m3u8 diretamente do app

como eu reproduzo um link m3u8 diretamente do app

How do I play a m3u8 link directly from the app

Remember that English is the official language of our community!


Answering you question, try setting the link to the video player component source.

There’s also a paid extension to deal with m3u8

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vc tem essa extenso para me ajudar ?

Sorry, I don’t and even if I did I wouldn’t give or sell it to you because I’m not its developer. Actions like that is forbidden in our community. Please contact this extension developer who is selling it for a fair price of €10.


mais la ta falando que ta 0 R$

Well, if it is €0, lucky you! But I’m sure it’s a paid extension and you have to get in touch with its developer.

me diz se tem como eu reproduzir um link m3u8 diretamente do app sem extensĂŁo

Man, I answered it in my first post, you should try it.

mais o play de video nĂŁo execulta m3u8

So, I’m sorry I can’t help in another way. If none of my suggestion helps you, please be patient and wait for other koders suggestions.
Boa noite!

The extension is not free, it costs 10 € (37 reais). You have to type it there on paypal
And this is a english forum
You are lucky you found someone who can read your language, but you should right in english (even if you using Google Translate